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Hell hound king

His name is Kaizer Cerberus. The original  and largest Cerberus. Thousands of years ago when the underworld held a competition to name the king of the hell beasts he won and now sits on the throne as such.

He can control any form of flame lava/magma, electricity and wind/toxins and even darkness. Each seeming to be limited by what he can think of at the time. He is more then strong enough to fight most creatures toe to toe. While he is not as fast as a battle wolf he is still incredibly fast but clearly more oriented to strength. In his true form each of his elements is split into the control of one head but darkness and void is split between the 3. He can change his size to that of a small puppy or a large beast able to step over houses. He is even able to combine the heads to have full undivided control of his powers in his beast form. While he can have wings he often prefers not to as they can be in the way during fights or rampages.

He is master of the chains of hell and can use them in anyway he can think of. He uses mystical chain which responded to his mental commands. It could grow in length, alter direction while in the air, stiffen into a staff or spear, and separate into several links which can strike like shrapnel and then return to their original form. He can also reforge the chains into a sword, dagger or other weapons for a time. But they also use their void magic to form weapons out of it instead. able to charge it or their claws with their elements. Forging this energy into blades, charge attacks and other abilities as well as weapons and bindings. Seeming to be almost free nature magic that can take any shape or purpose.
His personality is rather unpredictable. He can be one way one second and then completely different the next. But a hint will always be his eye color.

He is able to give people collars to symbolize his ownership of them and it allows them one power and beast form.

Tho he takes special pride in a three headed dragon named Andrea Lexin. A black and yellow dragon that the three in beast form seem very protective of even if they do wear the trio's slave collars.

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